Matthew Pressland

Contact Details

E-mail address:
matthew dot pressland at glasgow dot ac dot uk
(or: mdpressland at bath dot edu)

Office: Maths & Stats, Room 423
Postal address:
Dr. Matthew D. Pressland,
School of Mathematics & Statistics,
University of Glasgow,
Glasgow G12 8QQ,
United Kingdom

About Me

I am a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Glasgow, working as part of the Core Structures team. My research deals mainly with connections between representation theory and geometry, often motivated by combinatorial phenomena appearing in cluster theory and related areas. My position in Glasgow was originally funded by my EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, and is now supported by ERC Consolidator Grant 101001227 (MMiMMa), held by Michael Wemyss.

I previously held a position in Steffen Koenig’s group at the Institut für Algebra und Zahlentheorie at Universität Stuttgart, was a postdoctoral fellow at the Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, and was a PhD student at the University of Bath, advised by Alastair King. I have also spent two months as a guest of Henning Krause’s BIREP group at Universität Bielefeld.

I am one of the administrators of the FDLIST, a mailing list and community for representation theorists with an interest in finite-dimensional algebras, and in particular maintain the list of workshops, conferences and seminars. I am also the Glasgow organiser for the LMS-funded research network CLAN (Clusters and their Applications in the North).

More information about my research and teaching can be found by following the links at the top. Some of this information is summarised in my CV (although this is often less up-to-date than my webpage).


See also